Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Unofficial Changes to noted on Cordova/ PhoneGap 3.0

Hi All,

Cordova 3.0 was officially released last Friday.

Here are a list of changes and things we'll like you to know:


1. You would need to install Node.js to install the current version of Cordova(You can't download the file from our download page.)

sudo npm install -g cordova

2. There is currently a mistake in the sample on the download page, please follow the instructions in the PhoneGap Docs instead (The sample is meant for PhoneGap Build instead of Cordova, use the above code instead for installation, and follow instructions in the documentation for creating, building and running your project).

3. You can now create projects using the new command-line features adding platforms you would like to support as you deem fit.

4. You can now compile with command-line just modify/ add you HTML and JavaScript files to the base WWW folder, it will update the codes for the respective supported OS per platform that user added.

5. Various functions that we warned would be depreciated have officially been depreciated.

6. The plugin tag has now been replaced with a feature tag in config.xml. (Note this has not been corrected in the sample codes.

<feature name="NetworkStatus">
        <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.core.NetworkManager" />

instead of

<plugin name="<service_name>" value="<full_name_including_namespace>"/>

7. You would have to add in features you need in your project via command line. This ensures your project size remains small since all unnecessary features are not added. 

8. Upgrading the current Cordova would in future be done via Command Line.

9. To use Plugins, ensure it conforms to the new plugin standards.

Here's what the changes above give you, 

1. A more streamlined app who's size and resources can be better managed.

2. Ease of ensuring your apps have the same code and set-up is instantaneous instead of going to various developer kits to configure and build each project.

3. You can build for all project from one source and test on devices with simple lines of codes.

4. Ease of maintaining your project since all changes made to the base folders content are implemented to each platform folder once user builds.

5. You can always still configure or make changes to each platforms code by editing in your preferred development environment(e.g. Eclipse for Android)

These are the few changes would update as usual.

Thanks for the continuous support.

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